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Welcome to Jiaozuo Libo Light Alloy Co., Ltd.

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Jiaozuo Libo Light Alloy Co., Ltd.

Company News

What is the principle of impressed current cathodic protection against metal?

  • Author:Libo
  • Source:wwww.gamole.com
  • Date:2021-10-22
  • Click:

Impressed current cathodic protection principle

When a metal material need for connection to the current of Yin and Yang, if it is connected to the anode, the metal will be accompanied by the lack of electronic characteristics of the anode, was dissolved away, also is the metal corrosion, but it contains rich impressed current cathodic electron, so it will be for the metal continuously transmission electron, which is in the traditional sense of the metal anti-corrosion, In recent years, with the development of science and technology, the principle of impressed current cathodic protection has been well known by more and more people in the metal industry, thus making the principle of impressed current cathodic protection more widely used in different fields.








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